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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What does code optimization mean?

Program optimization or software optimization is the process of adapting a software system to make some facet of it work more professionally or use less resource. In general, a computer program may be improved so that it performs more quickly, or is accomplished of operating with fewer memory storage or other resources, or draw less power.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

VU Current Paper Solutions

If any body need Current update paper of VU please visit on daily base our blog.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Write SQL statements/queries for each of individual scenario given below from the given tables on the next page. 15 marks (3+4+4+4)

  1. Create a  simple view showing the names of employees whose designation is ”Instructor”
SELECT EmployeeName, Designation, FROM Employees
WHERE Designation = 'Instructor'

  1. Create a view to list down employees name and designation  of Computer sciences Department
SELECT EmployeeName, Designation, DepartmentID, FROM Employees
WHERE DepartmentID = '1'

  1. Update view to change designation from instructor to lecturer of employee “Ali hassan”
SELECT EmployeeName, Designation, FROM Employees
WHERE Designation = 'instructor' OR Designation= 'lecturer')

  1. Create a view to show number of courses student “VU001” is studying.
SELECT CourseID, StudentID, FROM Employees
WHERE StudentID IN (' VU001')

In your point of view which one is better “Go back n” or “Selective Reject”? Give reasons to support your opinion.Maximum 8 lines.

The Selective-Reject ARQ protocol leads to the highest throughput of the three ARQ protocols. Here, the radio channel has a data rate of v = 6Mbit/s, a packet data size of n = 1514 byte and an unlimited window size is assumed, and the round trip delay trd, is 1 ms. ARQ protocols result in a high system throughput under good channel quality and a very low residual bit error ratio can be guaranteed. The major drawback is the need for a feedback channel and the overhead needed for signaling ACKS. The throughput degrades at low channel quality and packet delay jitter increases with increasing packet error ratio.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

CS201 - Introduction to Programming

TOPIC: You have learnt all the important concepts related to programming in C++ in this course. C++ is used for System (Embedded Programming) at a large scale although there are other languages as well available for this purpose. Here you are required to give your 5 -7 strong arguments in the favor or against this statement that C++ is good for Embedded programming or not. A concise, coherent and to the point comment is preferred over lengthy comment having irrelevant details. Your comment must not be more than 5-7 lines. Comments, posted on regular Lesson's MDB or sent through email will NOT be considered. Any request about such an acceptance will not be catered. Best of Luck

Saturday, January 22, 2011

To learn and understand basic concepts of ER Diagram.

a.In an Organization each of Corporation division is composed of many departments. Each of the departments has many employees assigned to it, but each employee works for only one department. The attributes of EMPLOYEE include NAME, ADDRESS, BIRTHDATE and the attributes of DEPARTMENT are DEPT_NO and DEPT_NAME.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

PHY101 - Physics GDB Last 20012011

"At the moment in Pakistan atmosphere is very chill. On one of such a chilly morning you can “see your breath”. Can you really? What are you actually seeing? Does this phenomenon depend on the temperature of the air, the humidity, or both? Explain.”

MGT301 GDB#02 Solution & Discussion Fall 2010

“Nokia starts campaign for their mobile phone and want intensive advertising for acquiring consumer demand. If you are the part of that campaign, then which type of promotion strategy you will suggest to NOKIA?”

When you want to endorse you the phone there are a lot of type of endorsement plan which is used to endorse the mobile phone of the company.
• Endorsement through TV (for example name of company mobile phone name and model , and feature of the mobile and price also give some inducement to the client also like give any memory card with your mobile phone or give some reduction on mobile)
• The second endorsement plan which company used for ad which is commonly used is internet through classified websites and other promotion sites like Google Adware.
• The Company used to endorse mobile phone through news paper.
• Ad banners of the mobile phone with the company name, handset name, model no features, and price if you are giving some discount also need to mention on the banners.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MTH301 - Calculus II

MTH301 MID FALL 2010

Suppose . Which one of the following is correct?

Let R be a closed region in two dimensional space. What does the double integral over R calculates?
Area of R.
Radius of inscribed circle in R.
Distance between two endpoints of R.
None of these

What is the distance between points (3, 2, 4) and (6, 10, -1)?

-------------------- planes intersect at right angle to form three dimensional space.

There is one-to-one correspondence between the set of points on co-ordinate line and ------------
Set of real numbers
Set of integers
Set of natural numbers
Set of rational numbers

Let the function    has continuous second-order partial derivatives  in some circle centered at a critical point and let

If  then ---------------

 has relative maximum at

 has relative minimum at
 has saddle point at
No conclusion can be drawn.

Suppose . Which one of the following is true?

Let ,  and  be unit vectors in the direction of x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively. Suppose that . What is the magnitude of vector ?


A straight line is --------------- geometric figure.

Which of the following formula can be used to find the Volume of a parallelepiped with adjacent edges formed by the vectors ?

The function  is continuous in the region --------- and discontinuous elsewhere.

What is the relation between the direction of gradient at any point on the surface to the tangent plane at that point ?
opposite direction
No relation between them.

Suppose . Which one of the statements is correct?

Two surfaces are said to intersect orthogonally if their normals at every point common to them are ----------
in opposite direction

Let the function    has continuous second-order partial derivatives  in some circle centered at a critical point and let

If  and  then  has ---------------

Relative maximum at
Relative minimum at
Saddle point at
No conclusion can be drawn.

then what is the value of ?


Q -  Let the function is continuous in the region R, where R is a rectangle as shown below.
complete the following equation

Q.Find all critical points of the function


Q-Evaluate the following double integral.

Q-  Let . If  changes from 3 to 3.3, find the approximate change in the value of y using differential dy.

MGT301 - Principles of Marketing

* correct Answers

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 12:33:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1
All of the following are market-oriented mission statements, EXCEPT which one?
Select correct option:
EBay’s mission is to connect individual buyers and sellers online
*Singapore Airlines is the world’s largest airline
Girl Scouts of America, “where girls grow strong”
Wal-Mart, “we deliver low prices everyday”

Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 12:34:19 PM ) Total Marks: 1
ABC Company launched new mobile phone and tested it in current market. XYZ Company is considering which of the following strategies?
Select correct option:
Product development
*Market development
Market penetration
Ref: Market development means trying to increase sales by selling present products in new markets

Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:34:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Choose the best description regarding marketing view point.
Select correct option:
Matching a product with its market
Promoting and selling products
Facilitating and satisfying exchange relationships
Distributing products at the right price to stores

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:35:21 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Measure and evaluate performance is the part of which marketing function
Select correct option:
Marketing Analysis
Marketing Implementation
Marketing Planning
*Marketing Control

Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 12:35:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A company division, a product line within a division, or sometimes a single product or brand refers to which one of the following concepts?
Select correct option:
A market
An initiator

Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 12:36:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The marketing information system is not limited to use by the company it serves. It may also provide information to which of the following?
Select correct option:
The government
External partners
Various publics
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Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:36:52 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The information collected for the specific purpose at hand refers to which of the following data?
Select correct option:
*Primary data
Secondary data
Encrypted data
Bulk data

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:37:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1
There are three decision involved in designing a sample. Which of the following is NOT a part of sample designing?
Select correct option:
Sampling unit
Sampling size
Sampling procedure
*Sampling cost

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:37:46 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one of the following is a key building block for developing and managing customer relationships?
Select correct option:
Consumer expectations and customer satisfaction
Customer choices and product offers
Product performance and customer value
*Customer value and customer satisfaction

Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 12:38:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1
What is our business? Who’s our customer? What do our customers value? What should our business be? All these simple-sounding questions define which of the following concepts?
Select correct option:
Objectives and goals
*Mission statement
Business portfolio
Operational strategies

Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 12:38:49 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Sampling requires the answer to three questions. Which of the following is an inappropriate one?
Select correct option:
Who is to be sampled (what sampling unit)?
How many people should be surveyed (what sample size)?
*Why should they be sampled (justification)?
How should the people be chosen (what sampling method)?
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Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 12:39:13 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one of the following model can be used to analyze the environment both for new and existing business?
Select correct option:
Chain model
The BCG model
*Five forces model
Value chain model

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 12:39:36 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which method of research can be used to obtain information if people are unwilling or unable to provide?
Select correct option:
Focus groups
Personal interviews

Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 12:40:06 PM ) Total Marks: 1
If ABC Ltd knows that its market share in Pakistan has dropped 13 percent in the first quarter of the year but does not know what might have contributed to this decline, it is in which stage of the marketing research process?
Select correct option:
Hypothesis development
Symptom identification
Problem identification
Data interpretation

Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 12:40:50 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her psychographics represents which one of the following concepts?
Select correct option:

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 05:22:49 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Checking ongoing performance against the annual plan and taking corrective action when necessary refers to which one of the following controls?
Select correct option:

Operating control
Strategic control
Marketing control
Tactical control
Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 05:23:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The strategic marketing process is how an organization allocates its marketing mix resources to reach its:
Select correct option:

Stated business ideas
Target markets
Area of expertise
Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 05:24:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Walls ice cream runs advertisements featuring children, young and old people groups. What does this advertisement mean?
Select correct option:

Company is product oriented
Company has several target markets
Company considers only environmental factors
Company is market oriented

Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 05:26:14 PM ) Total Marks: 1
ABC Company wants to learn about consumer attitudes toward mail order purchases and conducts a study to acquire this information. Which one of the following data would BEST be classified for this study?
Select correct option:


Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 05:27:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Building, keeping and growing profitable value-laden relationships with all customers of a company refers to which one of the following concept?
Select correct option:

Customer lifetime value
Customer perceived value
Customer relationship management
Societal marketing
Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 05:28:00 PM ) Total Marks: 1
People are expected to perform activities according to the persons around them. These activities reflect which one of the following concept?
Select correct option:

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 05:28:59 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Marketing environment is made up of which of the following environment?
Select correct option:

*Micro and micro environment
Demographic Environment
Economic Environment
Natural Environment
Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 05:30:26 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Three main strategies for intensive growth are market penetration, product development and the other one?
Select correct option:

Product improvement
Market saturation
Market growth
Market development
Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 05:31:29 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one of followings is not a positioning task
Select correct option:

Identify the a set of possible competitive advantage
Choosing the right competitive advantage
Selecting the target market
Selecting the positioning strategy
Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 05:32:43 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Supply's sales force of ABC Company continues to expand, the firm plans to add a fleet of company cars to its sales compensation package. For ABC Company, this would represent which one of the following purchases?
Select correct option:

Modified rebuy
Straight rebuy
Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 05:33:50 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one is NOT the stage that customers go through in the process of adopting a new product?
Select correct option:

Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 05:34:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one of the following is NOT a part of marketing control process?
Select correct option:

Set goals for organization
Measure performance
Take risk for profit
Evaluate performance
Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 05:35:39 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product?
Select correct option:

*A market
An audience
A group
A segment
Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 05:36:22 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Inelastic demand in industrial markets refers to which of the following situation?
Select correct option:

Inelastic demand in industrial markets refers to which of the following situation?
The demand for one product depends heavily on the demand for another product.
Supply for a given product cannot keep up with the demand for it.
Price increases or decreases will not significantly alter demand for a given product.
Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 05:37:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Connecting with employees in the company refers to which of the following options?
Select correct option:

World wide web

Question # 1 of 15 ( Start time: 05:42:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Heavy promotion exists in which of following philosophies?
Select correct option:

Outside-in perspective
*Inside-out perspective
Societal marketing concept
Production concept
Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 05:43:53 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one of the following options represents the collection of businesses and products that make up a company
Select correct option:

Strategic business unit
Mission statement
Strategic plan
*Business portfolio
Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 05:44:36 PM ) Total Marks: 1
The best known product portfolio planning method was developed by:
Select correct option:

Philip Kotler
Harvard University
*Boston Consulting Group
James P. Hess
Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 05:45:27 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Supply's sales force of ABC Company continues to expand, the firm plans to add a fleet of company cars to its sales compensation package. For ABC Company, this would represent which one of the following purchases?
Select correct option:

Modified rebuy
Straight rebuy
Question # 5 of 15 ( Start time: 05:46:34 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In which of the following research the aim is to describe things such as the market potential for a product or the demographics and attitudes of customers who buy the product?
Select correct option:

Exploratory research
*Descriptive research
Casual research
Observational research
Question # 6 of 15 ( Start time: 05:47:18 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one of the following is not the component of macro environment?
Select correct option:

Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 05:48:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following number refers to the Universal marketing functions?
Select correct option:

Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 05:49:23 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Drawing conclusion from research after analysis of collected data called:
Select correct option:

Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 05:50:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which of the following is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product?
Select correct option:

A market
An audience
A group
A segment
Question # 10 of 15 ( Start time: 05:51:09 PM ) Total Marks: 1
A local firm wants to adopt the marketing concept. To be consistent with this move, it should adopt which of the following philosophies?
Select correct option:

Making money is our business
The customer is always right
Keep prices low
Focus on today
Question # 11 of 15 ( Start time: 05:52:38 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Which one of the following stage is NOT a part of buyer’s black box?
Select correct option:

Brand choice
Product choice
Need recognition
Dealer choice
Question # 12 of 15 ( Start time: 05:53:44 PM ) Total Marks: 1
After analysis and processing data, it is converted into which of the following forms?
Select correct option:

Question # 13 of 15 ( Start time: 05:54:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Defining the problem and research objectives; developing the research plan; collecting information; analyzing the information; and presenting the findings, these are steps of which of the following steps?
Select correct option:

Marketing survey
Marketing intelligence
Marketing research
Marketing study
Question # 14 of 15 ( Start time: 05:55:42 PM ) Total Marks: 1
Following are the elements of the marketing mix EXCEPT:
Select correct option:

Target market
Question # 15 of 15 ( Start time: 05:57:01 PM ) Total Marks: 1
In simple marketing system producers provide ……… to consumers
Select correct option:
