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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MTH301 - Calculus II

MTH301 MID FALL 2010

Suppose . Which one of the following is correct?

Let R be a closed region in two dimensional space. What does the double integral over R calculates?
Area of R.
Radius of inscribed circle in R.
Distance between two endpoints of R.
None of these

What is the distance between points (3, 2, 4) and (6, 10, -1)?

-------------------- planes intersect at right angle to form three dimensional space.

There is one-to-one correspondence between the set of points on co-ordinate line and ------------
Set of real numbers
Set of integers
Set of natural numbers
Set of rational numbers

Let the function    has continuous second-order partial derivatives  in some circle centered at a critical point and let

If  then ---------------

 has relative maximum at

 has relative minimum at
 has saddle point at
No conclusion can be drawn.

Suppose . Which one of the following is true?

Let ,  and  be unit vectors in the direction of x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively. Suppose that . What is the magnitude of vector ?


A straight line is --------------- geometric figure.

Which of the following formula can be used to find the Volume of a parallelepiped with adjacent edges formed by the vectors ?

The function  is continuous in the region --------- and discontinuous elsewhere.

What is the relation between the direction of gradient at any point on the surface to the tangent plane at that point ?
opposite direction
No relation between them.

Suppose . Which one of the statements is correct?

Two surfaces are said to intersect orthogonally if their normals at every point common to them are ----------
in opposite direction

Let the function    has continuous second-order partial derivatives  in some circle centered at a critical point and let

If  and  then  has ---------------

Relative maximum at
Relative minimum at
Saddle point at
No conclusion can be drawn.

then what is the value of ?


Q -  Let the function is continuous in the region R, where R is a rectangle as shown below.
complete the following equation

Q.Find all critical points of the function


Q-Evaluate the following double integral.

Q-  Let . If  changes from 3 to 3.3, find the approximate change in the value of y using differential dy.

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